A Moon on a Wednesday Morning
While cycling to work on a Malaysian Wednesday morning, the moon still shone visibly at 8 a.m. This celestial sight inspired me to ponder the purpose of the moon and stars beyond their scientific roles in regulating tides, gravity, and meteor activity. I wondered how many children throughout history have been captivated by the stars and moon, and how these celestial bodies have fueled our ancestors' curiosity and sense of wonder. The moon and stars have played a significant role in human history, inspiring countless myths and legends across various cultures. The moon has been a source of fascination and storytelling, while the stars have served as a navigational tool for travelers and explorers. Even if the sole purpose of the moon and stars is to inspire a sense of curiosity and wonder in a few children, this would be a powerful and meaningful impact. By sparking an interest in the cosmos, these celestial bodies can ignite a lifelong passion for learning and exploration. The moon ...